Legal notice
This website is edited in a professional capacity for TECH-EVENT
Limited liability company based in Roissy en France (95700), France
Bâtiment 6A ZA Paris Nord 2
BP 68022, France
N°SIREN : 452 061 542
Tel : +33(0)1 43 84 90 17
Publication Manager
Wahib Bendib, PDG – Founder
Website hosting
OVH, 2 Rue Kellermann, BP 80157, 59053 Roubaix Cedex 1, France
Tech-Event thanks Tranoï for their kind contribution to illustrations on pages “TECH-EVENT” and “Activities” (illustrations made from photos taken on Tranoï shows in Paris).
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Tech-Event is the owner of the available content (texts, logos, illustrations, artwork) on its website and this one is protected by copyright laws.
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